100% Money-Back Guarantee

Stuff happens- priorities change, clients go AWOL, natural disasters strike... you need to ensure you're covered.

That's why I offer a 100% money-back guarantee you can use to eject, even in the middle of a project with me.

The only caveat is you're on the hook for Stripe's own fees.They're the payment processor of choice for every developer, but they don't refund processing fees (neither do their major competitors, I checked).

Other than that, you can ask for a refund at any stage before I've handed off the code to you or your client. Simple as that.

Examples of situations in which you're covered:

  • The nature of your client's business changes in a big way and building an MVP suddenly doesn't make much sense
  • Your client suddenly stops answering emails or paying invoices
  • Your relationship with the client changes and you need to eject from the project

These are extreme occurences, and to be honest I've never actually been called on to issue a refund before. But there's a first time for everything, and you can rest assured you're off the hook (minus the fees Stripe charges me for processing your payment in the first place).

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