A process that you can monitor & verify at each checkpoint.

I'm a solo independent Canadian web application developer, not an outsourced team. That makes things a lot simpler.

Checkpoint 0: Discovery Call(s)
I join you and your client for preliminary Discovery calls, to establish whether I can help and prepare a detailed project roadmap.
Checkpoint 1: Proof of Concept (Week 1)
My projects start with a working Proof of Concept app (custom) that demonstrates my understanding of your client's objectives.
Checkpoint 2: Project Start (Week 2)
After establishing the problem domain, your client's business objective, and the solution you have envisioned together, I dive into the architecture and code.
Checkpoint 3: First Demo (Week 4)
By the end of our first month together, I set up 2 live demos: the first is for you: to verify I'm on the right track. The second is for your client: they're thrilled to play with a working early release and give feedback.
Checkpoint 4: Second Demo (Week 6)
Based on feedback of the previous demo, I release a "feature complete" second demo. This is the full MVP of your client's original idea and/or wireframes.
Checkpoint 5: Documentation, Handoff (Week 6~8)
After your client is satisfied they've got a working business asset they can use to develop their sales, then I hand-off the code and write documentation for future programmers to take over.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What technologies do you use for this?

    You can review my detailed tech stack on the technologies page. Suffice it to say, I use a modern tech stack that makes it easy for your clients to hire qualified developers and build on additional features without having to start from scratch.

  • Do you charge by the hour?

    No, hourly billing is what incentivizes your developer to stretch out a project and encourages "scope creep". Instead, during our discovery calls I determine your project scope and give you a fixed price. You can budget for precisely that price, because it's never going up, no matter how many hours I work.

  • Will you sign an NDA?

    Probably not. For one-off projects like MVPs, it usually doesn't make sense to get lawyers involved. But if your client's work is truly exciting or helpful to society at large, I might sign an NDA so I can do some good in the world by working with you and them.

  • Do you build Wordpress websites?

    No, I help your client get OFF of Wordpress. Although sometimes that means building an MVP that serves as a component that integrates deeply with your client's existing Wordpress website. Whether Wordpress or something custom, the idea is to give your client tools that they can maintain, edit, and extend by themselves.

  • What is your pricing like?

    You can review the details on the pricing page. I have fixed pricing packages, so you (or your client, if you choose to tell them) always know exactly what you're getting and what you're paying, with no extra fees or surprises. You can pay in phases during the project, or save substantially by making a single up-front payment.

  • What sort of protections do I have in case things go wrong?

    Well things don't typically go wrong when there's clear communication at every level. That's our starting point. But for peace of mind, you're backed my 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

Ready to start a conversation?